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Student Attendance Review Board (SARB)

Parents are responsible for a child’s attendance to a school from the age 6 until age 18 (Education Code 48200). All absences must be verified within 3 days of the student returning to school. Failure to verify the absence will result in an unexcused absence (Adelanto School District Board Policy 5113). The Student Attendance Review Board is a tool to provide intensive guidance and coordinated community services to meet the needs of students with persistent school attendance or school behavior problems.

Parent must verify any absence within (3) days.
After (3) days the absence will be permanently unexcused and considered truancy.


Document English Spanish
SARB Information Pamphlet View Ver
California Labor Code: Time Off Work View Ver 
Board Policy 5113 Verifying Absences View  Ver 
Truancy Letter View  Ver 


Acceptable Reasons for Excused Absences
(Education Code 46010, 46010.3, 48205)

1. Personal illness (school may require doctor’s note verifying absence after 10 days).
2. Quarantine under the direction of a health officer
3. Personal medical dental, optometric or chiropractic appointment.
4. Funeral services for a member of the immediate family (limited to one day in the state, and three days out of state).
5. Student serving on jury duty.
6. Exclusion for illness or medical appointment of a child of whom the pupil is the custodial parent.
7. Personal court appearance (requires verification).
8. Prior Principal approval for employment conference.
9. Employment in the Entertainment Industry for a maximum of up to five absences per school year.
10. Observance of a religious holiday or ceremony (recommend three (3) days advance notice to school).
11. Religious retreat (limited to four hours per semester).
12. Prior Principal approval for reasons, which may not be included elsewhere, but are pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board.
13. Other reasons that are within the discretion of school administrators, and based on the factors of the pupil’s circumstances, are deemed to constitute a valid excuse.
14. Religious observance or exercise for moral or religious instruction limited to four (4) days per month. Student must attend minimum school day hours. Recommend three(3) days advance written request from parent.

Truancies and Unexcused Absences

The following reasons are not acceptable for being absent from school and are considered truancies or unexcused absences during the regular school year.

1. Going to work with parent or other family member.
2. Going to the beach, lake, river, mountains or desert.
3. Going to a concert.
4. Getting ready for a date.
5. Baby-sitting, taking care of other family members.
6. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
7. Joyriding or partying.
8. Personal problems.
9. Repairing car or household items.
10. Waiting for service or repair people to arrive.
11. Shopping
12. Camping
13. Attending a sporting event.
14. Any other reason not included in “Acceptable Reason for Excused Student Absences.”
15. Bus not available/missing bus.
16. Participating in a student demonstration off campus.

The SARB Process - As Established by State Law

3 unexcused absences or absent or tardy more than any 30 minute period without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year or a combination thereof = Truant (reported to attendance supervisor)

4th unexcused absence = Second truancy (again reported to attendance supervisor)

5th unexcused absence = Third truancy (again reported to attendance supervisor) (Classified as an habitual truant and subject to a summons to appear at a SARB hearing)

Note: Ten (10) excused absences is considered to be excessive. A physician’s verification is required by School Board AR 5113(c) (4) (b) after 14 excused absences for illness. A student who has ten (10) or more absences due to illness is subject to the SARB process to determine if an alternative education program is appropriate.

Parents are responsible for a child’s attendance from age 6 through age 18 (48200 Ed. Code). Note: Absence must be cleared within 3 days.


§48293 Education Code

SARB Hearing - The School Attendance Review Board (SARB) will ask the parent and the student to sign an attendance Contract.  Failure to comply with the contract will result in the order of a citation to appear in court.

1st Conviction A fine of not more than $100.00 plus penalties could amount to as much as $486.00.
2nd Conviction A fine of not more than $320.00 plus penalties could amount to as much as $1086.00.
3rd or Subsequent Conviction A fine of not more than $500.00 plus penalties could amount to $2,000.86.
§13202.7 V.C. Any minor under the age of 18 years, but 13 years of age or older who is a habitual truant may have his/her driving privilege suspended for one year.
270.1 P.C. Failure to enroll your student in an approved educational program could result in a $2,500.00 fine + 1 year county jail + probation up to 5 years.